About Us
About Us

Our Commitment
We want to help you look after your dog’s physical and mental health by providing regular exercise, stimulation and socialisation. We only utilise Operant Conditioning, rewards based and force-free training methods. We practice positive reinforcement with all dogs. We use treats, praise and other rewards to reinforce the desired behaviour, rather than any form of punishment.
Our Focus
Your dog will receive our fully focused attention (unless you’ve opted for a group outing). We only ever walk your dogs on their own so that they are always safe and closely monitored. Completely tailored options to suit your dogs personality. For e.g. if you have a more agile dog, your dog may need a faster, longer walk; if your dog is older, injured or quieter, a slow paced short walk may suit them instead.
Our Walks
Our walkers will have knowledge of your nearby parks, tracks and reserves. We love to hear about your dog’s favourite place to go. If time permits, we can even pop your dog in our cars. We care for the natural environment, and choose to leave it as we find it. We stick to the trails, and always clean up after the dogs.
Our Services
We offer three levels of service, with benefits and discounts available for ongoing regular walks and sitting. You can choose from flexible walking times or fixed regular appointments.
Our Terms
Walks are booked and paid for in advance but we understand that sometimes changes need to happen. We only ask that you please give us 24hrs notice for a cancellation or a request to reschedule.
Our People
Our dog walkers have police clearance and dog first aid training. Our team comes from all walks of life, but we all share a love of animals. We cannot think of anything we’d rather do than a career working with animals. We are 100% cruelty-free.